Injuries to the fingertips are common in accidents at home, work, and play. They can occur when the fingertip slams in a car door, chopping vegetables, or when clearing debris from a lawnmower or snowblower. In the case of fingertip amputation, gently clean the amputated part with water (preferably saline), cover it in a gauze wrap, put it in a watertight bag and place the bag on ice. Do not put the amputated part directly in ice as this could further damage it. The goal of treatment is to replant the finger if feasible.

You must immediately go to the emergency room to be treated.

The goal of treatment is to reconnect (replant) the finger if feasible. The recommended treatment depends on the location and the extent of the injury. Not all amputated fingers can be reconnected. Replant surgery is very complicated as the surgeon will have to repair the blood vessels to restore blood flow to and from the amputated part.