Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, is a condition of intense burning pain, stiffness, swelling, and discoloration that most often affects the hand. The exact cause of CRPS is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment are important in order to prevent CRPS from worsening.

Acute CRPS

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), is a condition of intense burning pain, stiffness, swelling, and discoloration. The hand is usually the most affected body part but the arms, legs, and feet can also be affected. The exact cause of this syndrome is unknown but can be linked to an injury or illness. Type 1 CRPS involves an injury or illness but one that does not directly damage the nerve. Type 2 CRPS occurs after a distinct nerve injury.

The progression of the condition is the same for both types and occurs in three stages. The first stage (I) is the acute stage that is characterized by burning pain and sensitivity to touch that outlast what the pain would be for a given injury. Next, the area will become warm, red, and swollen and the joint stiffens. The acute stage can last up to 3 months.

Stage II is called the dystrophic stage. At this point, the warmth disappears and the swelling is more constant. If the hand area is affected, fingernails become brittle. The pain also becomes more widespread and sensitivity increases. The last stage (III) is the atrophic stage, that occurs after a year. The affected skin turns pale, dry, and shiny. The joint is extremely stiff and movement is severely limited. The pain may decrease but the condition could potentially spread to other parts of the body.

It is extremely important this condition is recognized and diagnosed early, so you can begin treatment as soon as possible to prevent CRPS from worsening. Non-surgical methods include medications to relieve symptoms, injection therapy to numb the affected area, biofeedback, and occupational therapy. If these treatments don’t work, surgery might help reduce symptoms. Various procedure like spinal cord simulator implantation and pain pump implantation may help. Spinal cord simulator surgery involves implanting electrodes along your spine to deliver mild electric impulses to the nerves. A pain pump implantation procedure involves implanting a small device near the abdomen that delivers pain medication to the spinal cord.