The biceps muscle is in front of your upper arm. It helps you bend your elbow and rotate your arm. It also helps keep your shoulder stable.
Tendons attach muscles to bone. Your biceps tendons attach the biceps muscle to bones in the shoulder and in the elbow. If you tear the biceps tendon at the shoulder, you may lose some strength in your arm and be unable to forcefully turn your arm from palm down to palm up. Symptoms may also consist of sudden, sharp pain in the upper arm, audible pop or snap, cramping of the muscle with strenuous use, pain or tenderness at the shoulder, and/or weakness in the shoulder. Many can still function with a biceps tendon tear, and only need simple treatments to relieve symptoms. Some require surgery to repair the torn tendon.
Tearing the biceps tendon at the shoulder may result in pain at the shoulder and weakness while bending your elbow or rotating your forearm to turn your palm from facing down to facing up.
The biceps tendon can either partially or completely tear. A partial tear does not completely sever the tendon, but a complete tear splits the tendon into two distinct parts. Injury to the biceps tendon at the long head attachment can occur either from one specific trauma or from overuse. Sudden trauma, like falling on an outstretched hand or lifting something too heavy, can cause a tendon tear. More often than not, the tendon will fray over time from overuse and with the natural aging process.
Symptoms of a biceps long head tendon rupture may also include sudden, sharp pain in the upper arm, audible pop or snap, cramping of the muscle with strenuous use, pain or tenderness at the shoulder, and/or weakness. Many patients can still function with a biceps tendon tear, and only need simple treatments to relieve symptoms. Resting your arm, shoulder and elbow may allow the tendon pain to resolve without putting additional stress on it. Ice and anti-inflammatory medication may help reduce pain and swelling. However, some require patients surgery to repair the torn tendon. There are now minimally invasive procedures that will re-anchor the tendon back to the bone.